Reale Istituto Nederlandese di Roma


Instituut te Rome

The KNIR library is specialized in archaeology, art history and history of Rome and of Italy.

There are also sections devoted to papal history, and the relations between the Vatican and the Netherlands.Our collection also include works on cultural heritage and on areas which have been excavated by Dutch archaeologist or which have seen the involvement of institute, such as Pompeii, the Via Appia, Testaccio, and proto-historic Latium. A small section is also dedicated to ancient technology.

The library is enriched with online resources, rare books, archival material, a small numismatic collection, historical postcard and photographs, the institute’s architectural blueprints, plaster casts, excavation reports, and the Santi Collection donated by Dott. Piero Santi.

Head Librarian: Janet L. Mente
Librarian: Diana Giofrè
Assistant Librarian: Angelo Coccarelli

Via Omero 10/12 – 00197 Rome

P. (+39) 06-3269621 (+39) 06-3269621
F. (+39) 06-3200751

Access: by appointment.only. Consult our webpage for the online form:

Hours: 9:30-16:30 Monday through Friday

Latest news from KNIR

Real Academia de España en Roma


Real Academia
de España
en Roma

The aim of The Academia de España en Roma is to promote training in the arts and the humanities for creators and researchers to spread Spanish culture in Italy and foster cultural interaction between the two countries and the international community.

The library is an essential resource for Academia’s activity. It includes approx. 15.000 titles of monographic titles and specialises in Spanish art history, with particular reference to manifestations of the creative scene in contemporary Spain.

The library has some small collections of Spanish history, literature, and a musicology dedicated section, greatly enriched by composer D. Colomé’s bequest received in 2009.

The collection of periodicals includes art and humanities journals currently published in Spain, as well as many titles of journals that are no longer active. Be advised that journals and part of the monographic titles are not searchable in the online catalogue. Please ask the library office for any information on this.

Loan service is not active.

P.zza San Pietro in Montorio, 3
00153 Rome

P. (+39) 06 – 58332721/22/23

Access: by appointment only or use the form given in the “library” section of the Academia website

Hours: Monday – Friday, 09:00 -14:00
The library and the archive could be closed for short periods during the summer months. We warmly suggest you to contact us in advance for information.

Latest news from RAER

Istituto Svizzero



With over. 48,000 titles of monographs and publications, the library of the Swiss Institute provides researchers with an important collection related to the antiquity, and classical archaeology, with particular reference to the territory of Rome and Lazio, history, art history, musicology, architecture, philology. The library has an important collection of Italian and Swiss literature and a rich collection of art catalogs purchased on occasion of exhibitions, and publications related to the research of the Institute. The Swiss Institute offers its users a place dedicated to listening to the sound heritage of the Swiss National Sound Archives. The historical and contemporary sound heritage is digitized by the Sound Archives and made available in various libraries via the Internet. The library of the Swiss Institute is the only library in Italy to offer this service.

The digitization of some of collections, relevant for the history of the institution and for the history of the research in different topics such as archaeology, philology, history of art and contemporary art is currently under construction/in progress. The project has the aim to preserve and share some important cultural objects, increasing access to cultural treasures to enable knowledge and scholarship.

Attualmente è in fase di realizzazione un progetto di digitalizzazione di alcune collezioni che hanno rilevanza per la storia dell’istituzione e per la storia della ricerca storica intrapresa in diversi ambiti disciplinari, tra cui l’archeologia, la filologia, la storia dell’arte e l’arte contemporanea. Il progetto intende preservare e condividere alcuni importanti oggetti culturali, favorire l’accesso ai patrimoni culturali per incoraggiare la conoscenza e lo studio.

Librarian: Romina Pallotto

Via Ludovisi, 48 – 00187 Roma

P. (+39) 06-42042203

Access: by appointment only

Latest news from ISR

Istituto di Norvegia in Roma


di Norvegia in Roma
(Univesità di Oslo)

The Norway Institute in Rome is an international meeting place for the humanities and an important theater for collaborations among international researchers.

The library contains around 25 000 academic books and journals and is a principal hub in the research activities, studies, and knowledge exchange that takes place at the institute. Together with the photographic archive collection, it makes a unique resource to explore the art history of late antiquity, classical archaeology, and Byzantine art in Italy and in the Mediterranean basin.

Viale Trenta Aprile, 33 – 00153 Rome

P. (+39) 06-581005

Access: by appointment only

Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00–16:00.
August closed

Latest news from IRN

Institutum Romanum Finlandiae



The library consists of circa 21,000 volumes. The library specializes in classical studies, in particular in Roman topography. To support researchers, the library acquires key reference works in the fields of classical philology, ancient history, classical archaeology, and art history. The collection also includes as many works as possible published by Finnish researchers in the humanities. Of the 200 or so journals, a large number are obtained in exchange for the Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae series.

A small section in the parlatorio contains books on Finland, mainly about art and architecture. The books of Wolfgang and Nadine Helbig, former residents of Villa Lante, form an interesting part of the library’s historical collection.

The digital collections – in phase of preparation – consist of the photographs, drawings and manuscripts of the Helbig-family ( and of a database of brick stamps from central Italy, a speciality of Finnish research since the 1960s (

Librarian: Simo Örmä

Villa Lante al Gianicolo
Passeggiata del Gianicolo 10 – 00165 Rome

P. (+39) 06-6861995

Access: by appointment only.

Hours: 9:00 – 16:00

Latest news from the IRF